West County Antique Mall is quickly becoming a go-to destination for those seeking vintage clothing styles of the 90’s, 80’s, 70’s and more.
Of our 150 individual vendors, many have chosen to provide a small (or large) selection of vintage clothing. Among the thousands of clothing items you can expect to find are:
- Vintage jeans and denim
- Vintage dresses, skirts and blouses
- Vintage concert tees
- Vintage accessories and purses
- Men’s and women’s clothing from all eras
For us, carrying vintage clothing aligns very well with our purpose. Vintage clothing has gotten very hot over the past few years – and with good reason.
By purchasing vintage clothing, one can develop their own unique style based on the look, color, patterns or fit of the clothes. It allows a person to feel comfortable with themselves while stepping off the endless treadmill of seasonally changing fashion.
Vintage clothing is good for the environment
Speaking of seasonally changing fashion, it’s important to note that nearly all fashion houses produce “fast fashion,” which sacrifices durability and quality of material for the “necessity” of rapidly duplicating the latest trend. These practices are extremely wasteful. The production of the clothing involves the use of low-cost labor and manufacturing processes that litter the environment. They are performed overseas because in our own country, these practices wouldn’t be acceptable.
Then, because the clothing is not built to withstand use, it often becomes damaged and discarded – furthering the waste cycle.
Tired of the style treadmill? Just… step off.
Vintage clothing provides an alternative to this destructive process. The material is more durable, the clothes are built better, and vintage fashion lies outside the boundaries of the ever-changing fashion trend of the moment. It allows you to disconnect from the pressure of responding to the newest trends and allows you to slow down and become intentional in your look.
When traveling the vintage route, you never need concern yourself again that your clothing isn’t up-to-date. It is an intentional adoption of clothing that is clearly not modern, leveraging the decades of fashion that has come and gone that looked amazing – say, in 1963 – that still looks amazing today.
Inclusive treatment of fashion
West County Antique Mall vendors make finds from all over the Midwest. They carry a wide assortment of both styles and sizes.
No matter your body type, there is a vintage look that is comfortable and will fit well – and that look can be found in West St Louis County at the antique mall in Ellisville.
You can’t go wrong with vintage on
When you’re ready to buy your next dress, pair of jeans or other item of clothing, we invite you to come shop West County Antique Mall to see what vintage clothing treasures await you!