Some of our collections defy exact descriptions. Vintage quackery, taxidermy, interesting art, huge metal T-Rexes for our yard – these things are… oddities.
As West County Antique Mall, we celebrate the old and the odd. All collections are welcome, and no one will think twice about pointing you to the vintage dental equipment or the taxidermy jewelry. It’s part of who we are and what we celebrate.
Does your home look like a set piece for a 1980s horror film? Do your friends and family ask about your collections with quizzical looks on their faces and doubt in their voices?
Yeah – so do ours. But at least our homes aren’t sterile and gray.
The collections we have and display and bring us joy are the very things that prevent our homes from looking like a medical office waiting room. Why have decor that fades into the background and is so inoffensive that it disappears? Our interests, hobbies and oddities are an opportunity to bring ourselves joy in our everyday living environment. At West County Antique Mall, we celebrate eclectic maximalism. Why not celebrate our passions? Often, outfitting our home with the cool stuff we dig is less expensive than buying vanilla decor at big box stores.
The oddities collections are always changing at West County Antique Mall. While we have several vendors that focus on the quackery and the really odd stuff, you never really know what you’ll stumble on as you wander around our 25,000 square foot building with 150 vendors. You might just find your newest treasure or the item to complete your collection of medical displays.